Graph toolbar

Graph toolbar

Graph toolbar

All dialogs with graphs come with a toolbar, which can be used for various interactive actions such as navigation through data, saving images, editing lines, etc. 

Each toolbar has a set of basic actions, with specific actions for a given dialog.



Home button will reset the graph limits that include all the viewable data.


This button has two modes: pan and zoom. Click the toolbar button to activate panning and zooming, then put your mouse somewhere over the axes. Press the left mouse button and hold it to pan the figure, dragging it to a new position.  Press the right mouse button to zoom, dragging it to a new position. The x-axis will be zoomed in proportionately to the rightward movement and zoomed out proportionately to the leftward movement. The same is true for the y axis and up/down motions. The point under your mouse when you begin the zoom remains stationary, allowing you to zoom in or out around that point as much as you wish.

Click this toolbar button to activate this mode. Put your mouse somewhere over the axes and press a mouse button. Define a rectangular region by dragging the mouse while holding the button to a new location. When using the left mouse button, the axes view limits will be zoomed to the defined region. When using the right mouse button, the axes view limits will be zoomed out, placing the original axes in the defined region.

Returns to the previous view

Returns to the following view

Use this tool to configure the appearance of the subplot: you can stretch or compress the left, right, top, or bottom side of the subplot, or the space between the rows or space between the columns. When clicking on tight layout, it automatically adjusts subplot params so that the subplot(s) fits into the figure area. This is an experimental feature and may not work in some cases. It only checks the extent of tick labels, axis labels, and titles.

When clicking on figure options action, a new dialog appears, that allows the user to set axes, legend and curves basic settings like sizes, labels, colors, etc. These settings remain only for the current dialog session. After the dialog is closed, these settings are lost. When actions are clicked when multiple graphs are displayed, the user is first prompted to choose a graph for which to apply options.

Click this button to launch a file save dialog. You can save files with the following extensions: png, ps, eps, svg and pdf.

Shows data table view.

Select data by rectangle tool is used in Interactive and Interactive Advanced QC dialogs. Click this toolbar button to activate this mode. Put your mouse somewhere over the axes and press a mouse button. Define a rectangular region by dragging the mouse while holding the button to a new location. After release, selected data are highlighted based on your flagging options.

Same as selecting data by rectangle, but you can draw freehand. In addition, this tool is used in time reference checks to select data in time series/Kt graphs.

Select data by polygon is used as previous two selectors in Interactive and Interactive Advanced (only in heatmaps) QC dialogs. Every click will define corner of the polygon and for closing the polygon click on the first point of the polygon.    

Select data by expression tool is used in Interactive and Interactive Advanced QC dialogs.  Click this toolbar button to open a new data selector dialog. In the dialog, you can write a custom mathematical expression to select data, which will be highlighted after the selection was applied and the dialog was closed.

Flag import tool is used in Interactive and Interactive Advanced QC dialogs. Click this toolbar button to open a new dialog, that allows users to import flags from another dataset to the current dataset.


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