

Make sure you have the latest Solargis Analyst version installed.
Check the release notes for the latest version: Release notes

Login and application start

Set the proxy settings

Solargis Analyst requires connecting Solargis cloud services to check the license and authenticate the user. Only after this step, Solargis Analyst is started.

If you cannot log in, check with your IT department, how is your company network or firewall configured and if you do not need to set up proxy settings.

To set up proxy settings:

  1. in the login dialog click "Proxy settings"

  1. In this window fill in the proxy setting:

  1. Usually, set the personal access to your company proxy server.
    E.g.: http(s)://john_doe:superSecure7@proxy.example.com

  2. To test proxy settings, click the "Test connection" button.

Test connection should be green


When connection cannot be established, an error message is displayed. Please contact your IT department to enable connection to Solargis cloud service: https://api.solargis.com:443

When connection is established, following screen is displayed:

Test connection via command line

  1. Open command line

  2. Ping “api.solargis.com

In case you cannot see any Reply message, but there is only timeout:

  • connection was not established or

  • company network is blocking ‘ping’

Please contact your IT department to enable connection to Solargis cloud service: https://api.solargis.com:443

When you see Reply messages, it means that you have connection to Solargis cloud services.

Test connection via web browser

  1. Open web browser and open following URLs:

If you see any error in your browser, please contact your IT department to enable connection to Solargis cloud service: https://api.solargis.com:443

Following message should be displayed: {"message":"Forbidden"}. This means that you have connection to Solargis cloud services.

Exceeded limit on the number of users or number of slots per user

Please note that there is a limit on the number of users in your subscription and a limit on the number of slots per user

Please note that there is a limit on the number of users in your subscription and a limit on the number of slots per user. During Analyst startup the validation of your license is done and when limits are exceeded it is not possible to log in and start Analyst.

Log out from other Analyst installations on other computers and try to log in. To log out navigate to main menu in main screen, open Help/License Token & Login Management, make sure to save all your unsaved changes and press “Unregister, restart, log in another account“ button.

Expired License

Please check if your license is not expired. Analyst license has end date and when it expires, it is not possible to log into Analyst.

In case license is renewed, you are able to log into Analyst again.

Some other issue

In case license is valid and limit on the number of users or number of slots per user was not exceeded, please try following:

  • Close Analyst

  • Locate and open folder with installed Analyst. By default it is installed here: “c:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Local\SDAT\”

  • Delete last_communication.jws and login.jws files. This step clears all information about your user or last login in Analyst.

  • Start Analyst

  • Enter your login information

Analyst will behave similarly to first login after fresh installation. In case the license is ok, you are able to log in to Analyst.

Cannot log in after changing PC

Solargis license is registered for particular device (computer / PC).

Contact customer support and ask to reset Analyst license, so it is possible to log in on new device.

Main screen

My dataset is red in the main screen

When dataset is displayed as red on the main screen, it means following:

  1. Database containing the dataset cannot be found.

  2. Dataset is corrupted. This scenario should not happen outside of development and testing environments. When dataset is corrupted, Solargis Analyst cannot read the dataset and therefore it is shown as red.

How to fix it:

  1. Press button Refresh in main screen. Sometimes, when Solargis Analyst is open and not used for longer time period, Solargis Analyst needs to be refreshed. This will reload all datasets and might fix the issue.

  2. Check if database with the dataset was not moved or deleted on your disk. In case database was moved to another location, use database manager and edit database connection with the new path. Open database manager and check if database containing dataset is available

  3. Try to restart Solargis Analyst if it does not help

  4. If you cannot resolve this issue, you can reach us at support@solargis.com.

My dataset is orange in the main screen

There are 2 reasons why dataset is displayed as orange:

  1. GTI configuration is missing in one or more measured parameters

  2. Column names contain characters that are not supported by Solargis Analyst

It is recommended to fix all issues in the dataset, because some screens, calculations and visualizations might not work properly.

How to fix the dataset:

  1. Open metadata editor, Columns tab and fill in all missing GTI configurations and verify if all other GTI configurations are correct. It is important to have GTI configurations correct, because many calculations in the Solargis Analyst use this information.

  2. Open metadata editor, Columns tab and rename column names that contain not supported characters. More information which characters are supported can be found here: Name restrictions and limitations for special characters . If you have multiple columns to fix, use “Fix column name” button. This option will replace all invalid characters with '_' in all columns.

Data import

Error while importing CSV file with 10+ years of data with many columns

I got an error or a timeout while importing big CSV file

Try to split dataset into multiple CSV files

Error while multiple CSV files with 10+ years of data with many columns

I got an error or timeout while importing CSV files

Try to import fewer files at once

  • use option in importer to “append rows to existing dataset” or

  • import CSV files separately, create multiple datasets and use combine function to merge datasets into one.

Error while importing CSV

I got an error about invalid column name.


Check if all the column names do not contain not supported characters. If columns names are all correct, Open imported file, check and remove all empty columns (columns without any header) and try import again.

Error while importing Excel file with empty worksheet

I got an error while importing Excel file

Check if there are no empty sheets in the excel and deselect all empty sheets in the first step of import.


Seconds in time stamps have many decimal places and micro shift

Seconds in time stamps have many decimal places and data points are shifted e.g. 2020.01.01 12:30:25.00658

Try to export your Excel file into CSV file and import CSV file into Solargis Analyst. Excel files have many special functions which might cause issues during import into Solargis Analyst.

Error while importing Excel file

I got an error while importing Excel file

If any of the above didn’t help, try to export your Excel file into CSV file and import CSV file into Solargis Analyst.

Data analysis

Zoom out

I cannot see any data or part of the data from the graph.

Try to zoom out using the 'Reset original view' button above the graph or zoom.

Filter options

Part of the data is missing from the graph.

Check filters in the Options tab:

  • In the case of aggregation, try to lower the ‘Minimum of valid points’. This setting might create gaps in aggregated data.

  • Try to disable the ‘Flags’ filter, or select all flags. By default, only valid (passed) values are displayed.

  • Try to disable other filter options which might filter out data points and redraw graphs.

Redraw graphs

Filters are not applied or some data is missing from the graph.

Try to redraw graphs. To apply modified filters the ‘Redraw’ button must be triggered manually.


Time series intervals are not joined in the graph


The reason is, that there are NaN values between records. Open table view to see raw data. Right click on the dataset in the main screen and choose table view.

I cannot compare TMY and measured data in Time Series graph

I want to compare TMY (Typical Meteorological Year Data) and Time Series data, but data does not appear in the same time period in the Time Series graph.

The reason why it happens is that the TMY data is constructed by selection of most representative months from the available time series, but the TMY data has time stamps set to a year 1900.


Manually edit the year of the TMY dataset before importing into Analyst

I got an unexpected error and I don't know why

Example of an unexpected error: I changed filtering options in the Time Series, Compare, or Analysis screen. I got an error similar to this one


Check if this dataset in the main screen is highlighted in orange. The orange color indicates that there is one or more issues within the dataset metadata. This might cause some screens or functions not working as expected.


The reason why the dataset is orange and how to solve it:

  • Column name contains invalid characters
    In release 1.4.6, Solargis Analyst introduced restrictions to the column name, dataset name, and test group name.
    Open the metadata editor, open the “Columns” tab, and use the “Fix column names” button. This function renames column names and replaces all invalid characters with '_'. For more information please visit: Name restrictions and limitations for special characters

  • GTI configuration is missing.
    It is possible to import GTI parameters without GTI configuration. Data visualization screens and Automatic quality control require information about GTI configuration to work properly.
    Open the metadata editor and fill in GTI configurations for all GTI parameters.


Combined dataset is missing values

I combined primary and secondary datasets, but values from a secondary dataset are missing.

Check start and end dates in primary and secondary datasets. In case a primary dataset overlaps with a secondary dataset, values are taken from a primary dataset (even when values are NaN).

Combine does not fill gaps, combine only adds new rows (time stamps) into a primary dataset from a secondary dataset. For gap filling we are developing a separate tool.


Timeout while opening screen or loading data

I got an error message with timeout while opening UI screen or loading project.

Try to refresh datasets in main screen. If it didn’t help, try to restart Analyst application.

This rare case can sometimes happen when Analyst is opened for long time. This issue will be fixed in future release.

Config file problem

I got an error message “Config file problem“.


This case happens when Solargis Analyst is closed and opened too quickly before last changes are written and saved into an application config file. When Solargis Analyst detects an inconsistency in the config file, the config file is renamed to “custom_config.yaml.bak”, new default config file is created and Solargis Analyst is started. Config file can be found in installation directory (by default: c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\SDAT\custom_config.yaml

Contact us

If you don’t find an answer or solution in the user guide, you can reach us at support@solargis.com

Each message should contain:

  • Description of the issue, question or suggestion

  • Screenshot (attached or pasted directly into message body) - if applicable

  • In case of errors or bugs, please attach "SDAT log file" - this can be very helpful.

  • In case the issue is related to data, optionally you can also attach your data file(s), e.g. Solargis Analyst exchange file, .db file or any other file. Large files should be provided via shared link

  • Information about the desktop machine where you are using Solargis Analyst (platform, OS version, RAM size, screen resolution)

Solargis Analyst log files

On Windows

Solargis Analyst creates its internal log into a local text file. Please follow the instructions to get the file:

  1. Copy and paste the path %LOCALAPPDATA%\SDAT directly into your Windows Explorer/File Explorer. The content of the folder will be displayed. The physical path of this folder is e.g.,  C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\SDAT. For convenience you can also bookmark this folder for future use.

  2. Look for the file named: "sdat_runtime.log" and attach it to the message.

We will use the file for reported problem diagnostics only. Ideally, the file should be attached right after the error occurred. You can also paste the file location path (%LOCALAPPDATA%\SDAT\sdat_runtime.log) directly into the email client dialog during selection of an attachment.

Log level

To provide the most complete information from your errors, you can follow this:

  1. Go to Project > Settings > General > Log level and change the log level to '0'.

  2. Restart Solargis Analyst and replicate the error.

  3. Copy the log files as per the instructions above.

Since having more detailed logs makes Solargis Analyst slower, once complete logs are no longer needed you can reset the log level value back to standard level '20'.

Where to find Solargis Analyst log files

The Solargis Analyst log file can be found in: C:\Users\<current windows user>\AppData\Local\SDAT\sdat_runtime.log

How to find out which Solargis Analyst version I am using

Open Help / About from main screen to see the version number


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