Generate reports

General overview

The user is provided with a preview of summary of results in Report dialog after the quality assessment is performed. Here is the possibility for users to create PDF reports with results of quality assessment published in formatted text fields, tables, graphs. Creating a PDF report is also possible in the Context menu (after right click on the dataset name in the Main window).

PDF report provides information about the station, installed instruments, measured parameters, summary of quality assessment results and if selected also comparison statistics.

Content of report:

  • Info about site - site name, latitude, longitude, altitude, location on the map (after click on link), type of data, source, attribution, time step, quality assessment status

  • Data availability info for individual parameters

  • Info about instruments installed at the station - parameter type, instrument, class, manufacturer, type of instrument, units, uncertainty

  • GTI configuration table (if available)

  • Test groups table

  • Maintenance and cleaning events info (if available)

  • Availability of data readings

  • Summary of quality assessment results

  • Overview graphs of quality assessment results

  • Consistency plots of testing groups

  • Difference plots of testing groups

  • Quality control summary table

  • Quality assessment summary - custom text

  • Recommendations - custom text

  • Global comparison with model data

  • Deviations of hourly measurements

  • Monthly comparison with model data

Tables in .xlsx file:

  • Site info

  • Instruments

  • Quality control summary

  • Availability of data readings

  • Summary of QA results

  • Summary of QA results (short version)

  • Global comparison stats (if Compare statistics are chosen) 

  • Monthly comparison stats (if Compare statistics are chosen) 




Shows name of dataset.

Report type

Type of report to create. Now only Quality control report is available.

Output path

Output dataset name and path where the report will be saved.

Output format

Format of the output file. For now, only .pdf report is possible to create.

Add summary

Additional custom user text that will be part of "Results of Quality assessment chapter".

Add evaluation of measurements availability for

When this option is not checked, status of "Availability of valid measurements" in Quality control summary table is "not specified". This is useful when creating report from a short dataset (e.g. monthly data) to avoid misleading insufficient status with red color.

Save tables

Tables from the report will be saved also in .xlsx file.

Save figures

Figures from the report will be saved also in .png file.

Compare statistics

Comparison chapter will be added into report. Comparison is done on selected model dataset

Model data

Dataset with model data for calculation of comparation statistics


Creates chosen type of report and .xlsx file with tables and images (if flagged) and saves them to the chosen path.


Closes the dialog window.