Solargis TMY API Technical Guide

Project name

Typical Meteorological Year Data (TMY)


TMY Subscription type

  • Basic:

    • Supported output parameters: [GHI, DNI, DIF, SUN_ELEVATION, SUN_AZIMUTH, TEMP, WS, WD]

    • Supported time step: PT60M (1-hour temporal resolution)

  • Professional:

    • Supported output parameters: [GHI, DNI, DIF, SUN_ELEVATION, SUN_AZIMUTH, TEMP, WS, WD, RH, AP, PWAT]

    • Supported time step: PT15M (15-minute temporal resolution)

Supported values

See the:

Last updated

Sep 5, 2022


TMY API introduction


Solargis exposes 4 endpoints that can be used for TMY data generation and related supporting activities. These exposed endpoints are being used for:

  • TMY data generation request

  • TMY data generation request status retrieving + output data URL

  • Generated output TMY data as body in message response

  • User and subscription details retrieving


To use these exposed endpoints each company needs to have:

  • Active TMY subscription with available subscription calls

  • Generated tokens intended for communication verification


Once a company has a TMY subscription registered and active, a user with Company admin role is entitled to verify the registered subscription details and generate tokens through “Company admin” menu → “APIs Subscription”, section “TMY subscription”.

Company admin’s “TMY subscription” page contains 4 main views:

  • Company subscriptions overview – displays a list of all registered subscriptions (Figure 1)

  • General view – provides details of a registered subscription (Figure 2)

  • User Tokens view – list of all company users with the option to manage tokens for the selected user. All tokens generated for a user have a user id imprinted into the generated token (Figure 3)

  • Userless Tokens view – list of all tokens without any direct connection to a user (Figure 4)



Figure 1 - Company subscriptions overview



Figure 2 - General view: subscription details




Figure 3 - User tokens view and management



Figure 4 - Userless tokens view and management




Token details
A token is a piece of secure information, like a password. Once a token is generated, it needs to be securely stored and handled. It is not possible to retrieve a previously-generated token after the generation window is closed. In case of loss or any misuse of the generated token, it is recommended to delete that token and generate a new one. Each user can have multiple tokens generated and used at the same time.
Tokens are generated by users with an administrator role. A company administrator is entitled to generate tokens related to an active user, or userless tokens without relation to any user.
To enhance the user experience, the token contains information about the company, subscription, and user identification (in the case of a user token). It is not needed to provide that information explicitly in any TMY API-related request.


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