Release notes
Release date: 06 June 2024
Bug fix
Importer default column names changed from numbers to 'param_#'
Importer, added validation of column names, special characters are not allowed
Calculator - Additional exception for parameters with same name
Combine - Improved text for some exceptions
Release date: 13 May 2024
Bug fix
Fixed visualization of theoretical curves in Time Series window
Release date: 24 April 2024
New features and improvements
New Meteo quality control
New automatic QC methods were added for TEMP parameters.
Physical minimum and maximum limits for AP were improved to account for the site elevation.
Parts of the Meteo screen were redesigned, each parameter type has a separate list of automatic tests and their parameters.
Added Meteo QC status after Meteo quality control is finished.
GHI-GTI 2-component test and GTI fix consistency test
A new 2-component test for comparing GHI and GTI parameters is now available in a radiation automatic quality control.
A new consistency test for comparing GTI fix with GHI, DNI, and DIF parameters is now available in a radiation automatic quality control.
Dataset validation and dataset automatic updates
Improved speed of dataset validation and automatic update of datasets when opening a project or adding a dataset into a project.
All automatic updates are logged into a change log and stored with the dataset.
Added busy indicator while dataset validation is running.
New flag color schema
To improve the readability of the QC results heatmap and distinguish different flags, a flag color schema was updated.
Metadata editor
Removed “Instrument description” and “Test groups” columns in a Metadata editor to simplify the screen and improve readability. To modify test groups, use the “Edit test groups“ button in a Metadata editor.
GTI configuration is prefilled by default values and has more tooltips explaining each field.
Improved parameter type detection now supports GTI parameter type
Improved prefilling of metadata from the import file. More fields and abbreviations are recognized and automatically prefilled during import.
Primary buttons are highlighted to help users navigate through the import process.
Predefined functions available in the calculator can also be used in an expression selector.
Sun azimuth function is renamed to sun aspect, so calculated values match the name.
Metadata, importer, calculator
Parameter name, dataset name, and database name are limited to alpha-numeric characters, '_', and spaces.
Custom units are not supported anymore, a user has to pick one of the supported units by the system.
Time reference check
Possibility to reorder new shifts in a descending order.
PDF report
Possibility to turn off data availability in the quality control summary table. This is used for shorter datasets, to avoid insufficient quality state (red color).
Small improvement for better readability.
New Combine datasets dialog
A new Combine dialog with better usability is now available. New dialog includes functionality from Join and Combine dialogs, all options in one place.
Clone dataset
Clone dataset now supports clipping maintenance logs together with a dataset
CSV export with full Solargis header
Added missing metadata into exported CSV file.
Analyze, Time series, Compare improvement
Users can easily deselect all flags
Removed popup informing about missing GTI config
Popup informing about missing GTI config is not shown anymore when a user opens a dialog window. Instead, a dataset with missing GTI config is highlighted in orange color on the main screen.
Updated datasets cannot be used in the older Solargis Analyst version
New metadata format
We updated how metadata is stored in a dataset and a DB. An older dataset is automatically updated to a new format while it is opening for the first time. Opening an updated dataset to a newer Solargis Analyst version in an older Solargis Analyst version might result in errors or unexpected behavior.
The first application start, after installing Solargis Analyst version 1.4.5, might take longer because all datasets in the current project are validated and updated to a newer format. Next time a project is opened, datasets are only validated and no updates are needed.
Deprecated features and platforms
MAC and Linux OS
We temporarily stopped supporting MAC and Linux operating systems, however, it is still possible to use Solargis Analyst in a Windows virtual machine on these operating systems.
Windows 8 OS
As a reminder, Windows 8 has reached the end of support. Solargis Analyst running on Windows 8 will be still working, but Solargis will no longer provide technical support for any issue.
Minimum system requirements
Minimum RAM capacity changed to 16 GB
Updated minimum system requirements for RAM capacity from 8 GB to 16 GB. Solargis Analyst works with big datasets and performs a large amount of calculations, therefore it is recommended to have at least 16 GB RAM available or more while using Solargis Analyst.
Known issues
Timeout error
When Solargis Analyst is open for a long time, it is possible to get a timeout error while opening a screen or loading data. To fix it, refresh datasets on the main screen. This will be improved in future releases.
Release date: 06.Sep.2023
Application start is now faster
Quality control in solar radiation
The added option to copy flags from GHI and RHI to ALB.
When TRC QS status is missing, it is now possible to run automatic quality control. Be aware that automatic quality control assumes that data do not have any significant time shifts and are in UTC-0 time zone
The Demo project can be opened directly from the main menu under the Project section.
Added ground cover ratio into GTI configuration in the metadata editor.
PDF report
Added GTI configuration table.
Added Meteo data statistics and heat maps.
Improved quality control summary messages, new messages have more information about which automatic tests were running on a dataset.
The summary field supports line breaks, so text can be formatted into multiple lines for better readability.
Added inactive quality control status icons, to better see all existing quality control statuses.
Improved data availability graph, which also shows smaller gaps between data.
Generated XLSX file: QA short results sheet calculates statistics from all existing flags.
graphs data point transparency is calculated based on a number of data points, for better graph readability when visualizing a large amount of data.
Removed dataset dropdown. TRC always opens the selected dataset on the main screen.
Post filtering
Added quality control status.
Moved to the last position in the main menu, to follow user workflow.
Unit conversion
Added conversion between from J/m2 or J/cm2 to W/m2 or Wh/m2.
CSV export with full header was extended with GTI configuration.
Multiple small usability improvements and various bug fixes.
Support of GTI measurements with tracker mountings:
Time reference check (TRC)
Physical limits tests
Visualizations for GTI (clear-sky lines in time series plots, kt-graphs in TRC dialogue and Interactive QC Advanced dialogue)
Extended GTI configuration in metadata to specify tracker mountings systems
Extended definition of test groups for automatic quality control in solar radiation
Added dataset validation and automatic correction of invalid GTI configuration and test groups in main window
New content in PDF reports:
Quality control summary table
Test groups table
Consistency plots
New Demo dataset with GTI measurements
Optimization of PDF report processing
Improved usability while importing flags from other dataset (part of Interactive QC and Interactive QC Advanced)
Various bug fixes
Support of GTI measurements with fixed mounting
Time reference check (TRC)
Physical limits tests
Visualizations for GTI (clear-sky lines in time series plots, kt-graphs in TRC dialogue and Interactive QC Advanced dialogue)
Automated detection of parameter type for solar radiation columns
New database is automatically created with project
Export project functionality - package with databases and project
Pre-set color palettes for graphs
Polygon selector in Interactive QC and Interactive QC Advanced* (in heatmaps only)
Instrument dialog for adding new instruments
Database optimization function - release blocked space after removing of datasets from database
Improved database structure
Improvements in PDF reports
Added option for custom user text for Quality assessment summary
Added option for saving graphs as PNG file
Selection of columns to export in Export CSV
Radiation Advanced stabilisation, optimisation and improved UX
Postfiltering allowed for all solar radiation parameters
Extended list of instruments for solar radiation parameters and meteorological parameters
Terminology updates
Various bug fixes
Obsolete Win 32bit installer. Now building Win 64bit only (aka. Win amd64)
Robust license login window (robust type of license check)
Using PySide6 (and Qt6 engine)
Radiation advanced:
Adjusted graphs
Improved modal dialogs
Possibility to flag columns without having them displayed
Settings were added
Possibility to rescale graph
Added p90 filter
Improved mask selection
Possibility to flag data before/without automatic detection
Dots fix when values under cursor is on in Time Series dialog along with added horizontal/vertical lines
Fixed toolbar names
Bug fix in heatmap plot in Quality report. In specific conditions, heatmap plot was not shown
Monthly averages graphs now does not take in account aggregation set in aggregation combo box
Fixed computation of valid points when aggregating non-irradiance data
Bug fix when exporting dataset as PVsyst standard format