
How to install Solargis Analyst

On Windows

Follow the installation steps here:

On Mac or Linux

Distribution of Solargis Analyst is temporarily not available for Mac operating system. On Mac it is possible to run Solargis Analyst in a virtual machine.


Here are minimum requirements for a PC.



RAM size

recommended is at least 16GB

Writable disk space

4.25 GB

Supported OS

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 11 (64-bit)

Display resolution

Full HD (1920x1080) if not used display scaling (recommended DPI 100%)

Upgrade to the last version

Bugfixes and improvements are released regularly in the new versions of Analyst. To get the latest version of the software please follow the instructions below.

On Windows

  1. Run Analyst uninstaller from Windows Start menu.

  2. Choose to uninstall with or without removing local configuration files.

  3. Follow again the installation steps, the installer always installs the most up-to-date Analyst version.


Due to breaking changes and improvements, the Solargis Analyst supports backward compatibility for datasets exported from older version of the Solargis Analyst and imported and used in a newer versions of a Solargis Analyst.

However it might not be possible to open dataset or exported file from a newer Solargis Analyst in a older version of a Solargis Analyst. This means that dataset used in newer version of Analyst will have unexpected behavior in older versions and it may not work properly or end up with an unrecoverable error.

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