Application Start

Internet access

Access to Solargis Home and is needed during the installation and runtime of the Analyst application.

Initialization phase

At the beginning Solargis Analyst logo is shown. It can appear under other active windows.

This phase takes a while, mainly during first start.


License check

After initialization phase, license is checked. In case user was already logged in, and license is valid and offline limit did not expire, user is automatically signed in.


In case of the first application start or when license check didn’t pass, login window appears.

Enter email and password registered in Solargis apps portal.

Proxy settings

Contact your network admin to check if you need to set up the proxy (as Solargis Analyst needs to access the internet). To do so, click “Proxy settings” button.

Enter URL to your proxy server. Empty string means “do not use any proxy”.

Test connection

It is possible to test connection, in case login is not working, to make sure that network settings allow access to

successful test


unsuccessful test


Select a company account

When login is successful and user is in multiple company accounts, choose a company account to which the Analyst subscription will be assigned.


After successful login, summary page is displayed. Continue with application start.

Loading GUI

Last step of application start is initialization of GUI.

Getting started window

When application is started for the first time, getting started windows is shown. Create new project, open recent projects, or open demo project.

It is possible to skip this step and Solargis Analyst will start directly opening main window. User settings to change options for opening or skipping getting started dialog.

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