

General overview

Tool for visualizing and statistics of two columns over concurrent time period. This feature provides a set of plots and tools divided across these tabs:

  • Scatterplot. Graphs of scatter plots, histogram and cumulative distribution graph.

  • Monthly Scatterplot. Monthly scatterplot

  • Time Series. Graphs of reference data, estimate data and differences between them

  • Heatmap. Heatmap plot of reference data, estimate data and difference between them

  • Analytical plot. Specific analytical graphs

Compare window has few default options when opened that can be changed. Double-clicking on graphs in the Scatterplot or Analytical plots tab will maximize the graph.




Reference dataset

Reference dataset. 

Reference column

Reference column

Estimate dataset

Estimate dataset

Estimate column

Estimate column

Text box

Basic text statistics for the current selection.


Output time step.

Min of valid points

Minimum required number of original records (in %) for summarizing the output interval. If this condition is not met (e.g., there are less than 30 1-minute records in hourly output interval, while we require 50% minimum), the output interval is empty - filled by NaN value.


Filter data by year, month or year and month


Filter data by date and/or time

Period of day

Filter data by period of the day, similar to filter data by solar elevation

Sun elevation

Filter data by sun elevation

Start at

If checked, histogram starts at this value

Histogram - Bin size

Set width of bins

Histogram- Number of bins 

Set number of bins of histogram

CDF- Number of bins

Set number of bins of CDF

Lock heatmap

If checked, heatmap difference plot will not change the color scale range.

Show monthly stats

If checked, statistics are shown in monthly graphs.


If checked, data are filtered by flag values from flag column


Check valid flags

Select All

Check all flags

Deselect All 

Deselect all flags

Flag values

Dataset flags from dataset flag scheme


Redraw all graphs.

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