Interactive QC Advanced

Interactive QC Advanced

General overview

In addition to Interactive QC dialog, this tool enables to visualize data in form of heatmap and sun position plot, which allows detecting specific data problems such as shading.




Area where data are visualized as time series, sun position and heatmap plot


See toolbar

Column to show

Column of dataset that is plotted in upper graphs of graph area

Data type

If the column to show is of the type of GHI or DNI, the user can visualize this data in Kt space

Columns to show

Columns of dataset shown in tree form. By checking user can visualize individual columns. Users can control visibility/flagging of columns by clicking on the flag icon.

Add data

Opens the dialog for loading data from other datasets currently loaded in the project.

Selectable flags

Displays color, description and value of flags for the given dataset as loaded from dataset's flag scheme. Users can temporarily change the color of the flag by clicking on the color box. If checked, the flag will be included in cursor/expression selection.

Apply flags

Clicking on the flag next to Apply flags opens table widget dialog with flag scheme

Flag value

Number that user wants to use as a flag. If a flag value doesn't exist, a new record will be created in the flag scheme.


Apply value from Flag value to the current selection.


Undo last flagging


Advanced options. See details here


Filter data by min/max date. Useful when working with large, multi-year datasets.

Quality report

Opens Quality report dialog.


Close Manual QA window.


Save user changes to data, but dataset is not marked as manually checked. Users can save the last position where flagging ended to automatically continue from that place when opening manual control next time.

Final save

Final save, when operator flagged everything and dataset will be marked as manually checked. QC status “MANUAL_QUALITY_CHECK” will be assign to the dataset.