Post filtering

General overview

After irradiance quality check, it is possible that some scattered valid flags are left in the dataset. These individual flags often don't provide much value, and we want to remove them. Automatic post-filtering provides the user the possibility to remove such flags.



Heatmap flag plot

Area where flagged data are visualized as series of yearly heatmaps or one big heatmap plot showing the overall data picture, with post-filtered data highlighted.

Time series flag plot 

Visualization of irradiance flagged data as time series and bar plot. One plot per one irrad. component. Post-filtered data are highlighted.

Quality control tab

Text summary of flags for the given dataset. 


Dataset on which to perform post-filtering control.

Irradiation columns

List of irradiation columns on which to perform post-filtering.

Central hours of the day

Minimum required size of a continuous group of values. For example, if value is 3, all groups of flags with size 3 or less will be filtered.

Morning hours

Minimum required size of a continuous group of morning values. For example, if value is 3, all groups of flags with size 3 or less will be filtered.

Evening hours

Minimum required size of a continuous group of evening values. For example, if value is 3, all groups of flags with size 3 or less will be filtered.

Minimum required valid flags

Percentage of daytime records of valid flags, that will be filtered out.

Run between

If checked, run post-filtering control between custom dates.

Plot settings

Column to plot in graphs.

Split heatmap by year

If checked, plots are split by years.

View in time zone

If checked, data are shown in UTC chosen.


Will start the process of postfiltering. The result of the procedure is flagging for every record of data. Preview dialog (Quality report) is provided to let users review the results.

Save flags

Save flags and QC status “POST_FILTERING_CHECK” will be assign to the dataset.


Close Postfiltering window.


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