Meteo Quality Check

Meteo Quality Check

Meteo check

Automatic quality control of meteorological parameters allows the user to run the automatic tests used today in Solargis to quality check the meteorological parameters. The automatic tests (checks of invalid values, consecutive static values, data below/above physical minima/maxima) assign a predefined flag to each record that failed in the test. The user has some control over this process (i.e. disable/enable tests, change test properties). Once the tests are performed a preview of the Quality report summary can be displayed. At the end of this process, the generated flags are saved with the data and quality status.

There are three main tabs in this window:

  • Heatmap flag plot. The Heatmap flag plot depicts the occurrence of quality flags from Meteo parameters QC in time.

  • Time series flag plot. Allows the basic data visualization of the quality control flags in time.

  • Quality control summary. The Quality control summary resumes the overview of the statistics after the quality control.




Graph tabs

The user can choose a plot type to be displayed.

Dataset selection

Selected dataset for the quality check

Meteo parameters columns

Select columns of meteo parameters data type you want to quality check. Flags will be calculated into respective flag columns. 

Advanced settings

Opens separated dialog with automatic quality check advanced settings.

run between

Quality check can be performed on a subset of the dataset. If checked, values from both calendar widgets are taken into account.

date from, date to

Define a subset of the dataset by selecting two dates.


The Time series graphs including the QC flags are displayed.

Plot settings

The user can select the meteo parameter to be displayed. Plot settings menu is active only for these Graph tabs: Heatmap flag plot, Time series flag plot. 

split heatmap by year

If checked, the heatmap is split by years. This checkbox is active only for Heatmap flag plot.

view in time zone

The time zone can be selected.


Will start the process of automatic quality check. The result of the procedure is flagging for every record of data (if there are no flag columns, they will be created). Preview dialog (Quality report) is provided to let users review the results.

Save flags

This button is only enabled after running the quality check. It permanently saves generated flags into the dataset.

Advanced settings

This dialog allows users to select Solargis test methodology and to select which automatic QC tests should be performed. Some of the tests have additional settings affecting their outcome.





Test methodology

Solargis methodology can be selected.

Model data

Model dataset can be selected and used during automatic quality control

Meteo parameter

User is able to parametrize automatic quality control for each parameter type.

List of tests

The user can select the automatic tests to be performed.

List of test settings

For a particular meteo parameter, users can override Analyst default values.

Select flag values

The user can select the flag values ​​that should be updated

Default settings

Reset all parameters to default values.


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