Solargis Analyst 1.4.2. (Windows) Installation


Follow the steps below to uninstall the previous version and install Solargis Analyst 1.4.2.:


1. Uninstall your current version by clicking on the analyst_uninstaller file saved on your computer.

2. During uninstalling, there will be two notifications. Confirm the uninstallation.


3. When you are asked if you want to delete also Solargis Analyst config files, logs and credentials. Please, click on Yes. This action will not affect your existing projects.



4. Your existing projects are unlinked from Analyst. (You will be able to link them again after the new installation by selecting: “Open an existing project”.)

5. Go to Solargis| Analyst Installation and install the new version available after clicking on the link. 

6. You are asked to install a new version of Solargis Analyst with all of its dependencies. Click on Yes.

7. Log in with your credentials.

8. There will be no Recent Projects displayed, however everything stays saved on your disk. No project is removed. You can still open all your projects with  “Open an existing project” and continue working on them.

9. When you open an existing project, you will get a notification about the conversion of the existing database. Click Yes so that the database is converted.