Export and Move Projects

Creates an archive file (Zip format) containing all the files relevant to an Analyst project. This file can be used to archive, backup, and share projects with collaborators, as well as providing a simple method of moving a project to a different location on the computer without having to reconfigure the database associations.

Contents of the Exported Archive File

The exported archive file contains three files that describe the exported project in addition to as many Solargis Analyst database files (.sdat ) as the project accesses:


This file stores information on the archive that is preserved for future functionality. Among the information preserved are the content-type and version of Analyst Export Archive file, creation timestamp, and cryptographic fingerprints for the relevant files.


A human readable report describing the contents of the archive, with optional comments and notes provided at the time of creation.

This file is in Markdown format which can be read in a simple text editor, such as Notepad, but can be displayed with enhanced formatting using a compatible text editor.

The Analyst Project File (.sdat)

The file that describes the project configuration to Solargis Analyst. It is this file that will be opened when the users wishes to work with the extracted archive file.

Note that this file is incompatible with earlier versions of Solargis Analyst.

The Analyst Database Files

As noted previously the archive will also contain the Solargis Analyst database files that the project uses. These all have the .db extension.

Creating the export file

Quick Explanation

The following steps are required to export a project:

  1. Open a project

  2. Select the Export Project Package dialogue (Menu > Project > Export Project Package`)

  3. Enter Project Archive Name in the Export Name field.

  4. Optionally click the ... button to the right of the Project Archive Name to automatically populate the Export Into field with the updated name.

  5. Optionally enter notes in the Comments field (either in plain text or Markdown text).

  6. Select where in the file system to create the export file by entering the location in the Export into field. This can be done manually, or using the Browse button.

  7. If the file name had been previously set using the ... button, check that using Browse didn’t unintentionally replace it. If it did, either click the ... button again, or re-enter the name manually.

  8. Start the export using the Export button.

Detailed Explanation

To create an export file for project currently active in Analyst, open the Export Project Package dialogue using Menu > Project > Export Project Package. If the user wishes to export a different project, it will be necessary to save the current project, and load the required project prior to creating the export file.

Upon opening the Export Project Package dialogue, the user will be presented with the following dialogue:

The information labelled Base Project File displays the name of the currently open Analyst project and is informational only.

The user configures the name that the exported project file will be known by through entering it in the 'Export Name' field. It is important to note that this should just be a simple name, and not a path to a file and does not change the name of the actual project as created by Analyst.

If the user wishes the exported file name to match the Export Name, then clicking the button to the right of the Export Name field that is denoted by three ellipses ('…'):

When this button is used, the exporter will attempt to extract a valid file name from the Export Name field that will be used to modify the value in the Export Into field.

Please note:

  • the user should check that the file name in the Export Into field is acceptable and, if not, supply an appropriate name manually.

  • If the user browses the Export Into field to a different folder, the file name might change depending on the user’s actions. If this is the case, and was not the desired outcome, the user might need to re-enter the file name manually, or using the ... short-cut button.

As mentioned previously, the location and name of the exported file is supplied by the user in the Export Into field which is ‘browsable’.

Should the user wish to add some notes or comments to the README.md file, this can be done in the Comments text box. If the user requires this to be formatted then this can be done using Markdown text markup.

When all information has been supplied, then the user presses the Export button after which a dialogue showing the progress and completion message will be displayed.

The process can be cancelled at any time prior to hitting the Export button by hitting the Cancel button.

Opening and Using the Export File

To use the project stored in the export file, simple extract the zip file in the required location in your file system using the tools provided by your operating system, then simply open the project, as normal, using the Open Project Dialog from the main window’s menu bar. (Menu > Project > Open)


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