What can you do with Solargis Analyst
Analyst helps import, visualize and check the reliability of solar resource data. To do that, the software brings multiple analytical and quality control tools for this purpose. Expert users can use Analyst for advanced analysis.
Organize data
Open and create projects. You need to open or create a project to work with analyst. Projects store paths or connections of datasets used in the project, but doesn't physically store datasets.
Dataset manager. You can organize your databases, create new databases and select the datasets that are going to be linked to your Analyst projects.
Import exchange file. You can import data files through exchange files with extension .SDATASET, an easy way to exchange data between Analyst users without going through importing process of raw data again.
Import files. Import datasets from external files.
Combine datasets. Merge two datasets into one.
Table view. Explore the numeric values of your datasets.
Edit data
Metadata editor. Manage relevant internal information related to your datasets: name, source, coordinates, parameters, meaning of logs e.g. data change logs, maintenance log, etc.
Aggregate dataset. Aggregate values into different granularities using this tool.
Calculator. Calculate new columns from your data using formulas.
Units convertor. Change data units.
Join datasets. Obtain one single dataset made from other datasets.
Analyze data
Time series visualization. Tool for plotting and analyzing one or multiple datasets and calculating data statistics.
Analyze tools. Run useful visualizations and metrics on data profiles, Kt analysis, trends, and other tools.
Compare. Compare data from different datasets.
Maintenance log viewer.
Check data quality
Time reference check. Identification and correction of time shifts, time drifts and other time-related issues.
Radiation check. Automatic flagging of solar irradiance data records by the given set of rules. Provides a set of advanced user options.
Meteo check. Automatic flagging of meteo parameter data records like temperature, wind, humidity, etc.
Interactive QC. Manual quality control tool for visual flagging of data records.
Post-filtering. Tools for removing scattered valid flags left in the dataset that usually don't provide much value.
Export data and reports
Export CSV file. Export as comma-separated values (CSV) file with minimal or extended header
Export to exchange file. You can export data files to files with .SDATASET extensions, an easy way to exchange data between Analyst users.
Export PVsyst standard format.
Report. View results of data quality checks and generate reports in PDF.