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Contact us

If you don’t find an answer or solution in the user guide, you can reach us at

Each message should contain:

  • Description of the issue, question or suggestion
  • Screenshot (attached or pasted directly into message body) - if applicable
  • In case of errors or bugs, please attach "SDAT log file" - this can be very helpful.
  • In case the issue is related to data, optionally you can also attach your data file(s), e.g. Analyst exchange file, .db file or any other file. Large files should be provided via shared link
  • Information about the desktop machine where you are using Analyst (platform, OS version, RAM size, screen resolution)

Analyst log files

On Windows

In Windows, Analyst creates its internal log into a local text file. Please follow the instructions to get the file:

  1. Copy and paste the path %LOCALAPPDATA%\SDAT directly into your Windows Explorer/File Explorer. The content of the folder will be displayed. The physical path of this folder is e.g.,  C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\SDATFor convenience you can also bookmark this folder for future use.
  2. Look for the file named: "sdat_runtime.log" and attach it to the message.

We will use the file for diagnosing the problem you reported. Ideally, the file should be attached right after the error occurred. You can also paste the file location path (%LOCALAPPDATA%\SDAT\sdat_runtime.log) directly into the email client dialog during selection of an attachment.

On Linux

If you are using Analyst in Linux, provide the path ~/.SDAT/sdat_runtime.log in the file manager or directly in an email client attachment dialog.

User manual version

This manual is based on version 1.3.5 of the Solargis Analyst software.
