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Table of Contents


  1. Primary satellite data availability delay after actual scanning of a location depends on its latitude and satellite region as follows:

    • PRIME, IODC - delay is 2-16 minutes  (increases from north to south) 

    • HIMAWARI - delay is 5-15 minutes  (increases from south to north)

    • GOES-EAST & WEST - delay is 2-12 minutes  (increases from south to north)

  2. Data processing delay (including retrieval, preprocessing and nowcasting model run) takes 5-15 min. Data is available immediately after the data processing is finished.

  3. Processing frequency is 10 minutes (HIMAWARI, GOES-EAST & WEST) or 15 minutes (PRIME, IODC), i.e. after each new satellite image. This also determines the window when any given nowcast run is available for delivery, before it is replaced by the next run. The timing of a customer's request after the start of this interval represents the user request delay, which is thus in the range 0-10 or 0-15 minutes.


Nowcasting and forecasting update frequency


Origin of the meteorological data


Code Block
<ws:dataDeliveryRequest dateFrom="2017-09-22" dateTo="2017-09-30"
    <site id="demo" lat="48.61259" lng="20.827079">
       <geo:terrain elevation="120" azimuth="180" tilt="5"/>
       <geo:horizon>0:3.6 123:5.6 359:6</geo:horizon>
       <pv:geometry xsi:type="pv:GeometryFixedOneAngle" azimuth="180" tilt="25"/>
       <!-- <pv:geometry xsi:type="pv:GeometryOneAxisHorizontalNS" rotationLimitEast="-90" rotationLimitWest="90" backTracking="true" azimuth="180"/>  -->
       <!-- <pv:geometry xsi:type="pv:GeometryOneAxisInclinedNS" axisTilt="30" rotationLimitEast="-90" rotationLimitWest="90" backTracking="true" azimuth="180"/> -->
       <!-- <pv:geometry xsi:type="pv:GeometryOneAxisVertical" tilt="25" rotationLimitEast="-180" rotationLimitWest="180" backTracking="true"/> -->
       <!-- <pv:geometry xsi:type="pv:GeometryTwoAxisAstronomical" rotationLimitEast="-180" rotationLimitWest="180" 
   				tiltLimitMin="10" tiltLimitMax="60" backTracking="true"/> -->
        <pv:system installedPower="1000" installationType="FREE_STANDING" dateStartup="2014-01-03" selfShading="true">
            <pv:module type="CSI">
                <pv:efficiency xsi:type="pv:EfficiencyConstant" percent="97.5"/>
                <!--<pv:efficiency xsi:type="pv:EfficiencyCurve" dataPairs="0:20 50:60 100:80 150:90 233:97.5 350:97 466:96.5 583:96 700:95.5 750:93.33 800:87.5 850:82.35 900:77.8 950:73.7"/>-->
                <pv:acLosses cables="0.1" transformer="0.9"/>
                <pv:dcLosses cables="0.2" mismatch="0.3" snowPollution="3.0"/>
                <!-- <pv:dcLosses cables="0.2" mismatch="0.3" monthlySnowPollution="5 5.2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4"/> -->
            <pv:topology xsi:type="pv:TopologySimpleTopologyRow" relativeSpacing="2.4" type="UNPROPORTIONAL2"/>
            <!-- <pv:topology xsi:type="pv:TopologyColumn" relativeSpacing="2.5" type="UNPROPORTIONAL2"/> -->
    <processing key="GHI GTI TEMP WS PVOUT" summarization="HOURLY" terrainShading="true">



Timestamps used in the XML response comply with the ISO 8601 standard for date and time representation Time stamps are also aware of time zone (offset from UTC). Time zone designators are appended after the the time part of timestamp string. If the time is in UTC ( is added directly after the time without a space. Z is the zone designator for the zero UTC offset e.g., 2017-09-22T01:00:00.000Z . If there is an offset from UTC, this is designated by appending +/-HH:MM after the timestamp string, e.g., 2017-09-22T01:00:00.000-05:00 (UTC-5).
